A Revolution In eCommerce

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First, what is Omnitude
Omnitude is a revolutionary blockchain service that acts as a middleware and connects existing e-commerce technologies to the blockchain. It provides an effective way to achieve reliable inventory tracking, improve security in e-commerce, encourage business-consumer interaction, and prevent fake reviews that harming real merchants

Two conditions are lost to take a position of confidence in the competition – availability of partner base and product availability level. Some analysts believe that demonstrating the MVP platform will help to avoid talking about a less developed concept from a technical standpoint.


· A strong team with expertise and industry experience in implementing commercial projects.
· New concepts that meet market needs.
· Good marketing advertising and community support.


· There is no visible partnership with companies willing to use platform services.
· Minimum product progress.

The advent of technology has changed the way companies work. Automation and efficiency is now a reality achieved through the various SaaS and applications used in every business enterprise. As a result, technology working in business has become an important market. In just three years, sales of supply chain software is expected to grow to $ 20 billion.

Companies that want to develop and improve software for the supply chain have grown at double-digit rates over the past decade over the last decade. Most supply chain software includes publicly listed companies. I have reviewed their records with the SEC to determine the revenue they receive from their supply chain software products.

  • SAP, Germany’s leading software vendor, generates annual sales of more than $ 3 billion through supply chain software alone.
  • Oracle, the world’s largest software provider, manages 5% of its annual revenue from SaaS
  • JDA Software software supply chain software development has been obtained for $ 1.9 billion.
  • Infor, another SaaS provider, earns $ 105 million a year from its supply chain software.
  • Manhattan Associates earns almost a quarter of a billion dollars each year from its own supply chain software

The list goes but the point is clear: supply chain software is a huge market and the track indication is very positive. Goliaths software and SaaS boutique companies are equally involved in picking up a piece of cake, and this means that new products, such as Omnitude, can easily penetrate the market.

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Omnitude: an opportunity
Omnitude takes advantage of existing supply chain software to a new level as it goes beyond the focus on the supply chain. It builds on the shoulders of existing technology, works seamlessly with them, and provides ecosystems where merchants can benefit from blockchain while utilizing existing technologies. It allows exploiting the market value of supply chain software.

Omnitude leverages the ability to connect all existing software that companies use with blockchain and enable it to be a platform rather than an application. In addition, it acts as a platform that can work seamlessly with existing infrastructure. It provides extraordinary comfort.

Omnitude enables companies to improve their data focus, to ensure lean processes reach new heights as they can acquire stocks and consumables at every step of their production chain without a hitch. It improves reliability and safety functions and allows analysis to reduce potential technical or human errors.

If the base of the supply chain software has reached ten digit reviews, it offers an enhanced platform that provides a chain of transparency blocks for all existing technologies and is focused on the analysis of supply chain management and repairs, while security in the industry is huge.

Supply Chain is just the beginning
Omnitude goes beyond supply chain software as it combines all business operations technologies with chain blocks developed at Hyperledger. This enables this platform to leverage and build one of the most established and reliable technologies to offer business solutions.

Omnitude will be able to increase revenue for SaaS CRM, warehouse management software and establish e-commerce development platform. Each of these technologies includes individual software products worth tens of billions of dollars. Omnitude uses all these markets to create unique products that offer revenue from every category of technology to e-commerce merchants.

Omnitude offers to solve problems related to the inefficiency of enterprise information systems, with the help of blocking. To unify new technologies with existing IT landscapes, it offers an innovative concept: to ensure the transition from current software to the blockchain, without forcing businesses to leave outdated platforms. Overall, the project is promising. The public put great expectations on the team of experienced professionals.

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